Better investing begins with the accounts you select Whatever your investment capital might be, AlextraHoldings has an account suited for you. Whether you’re looking for a General Account, Standard Account, Business account, or Retirement Account we’ll help you invest your funds in an account suited for you so you can start pursuing your financial goals today.


ROI: 5% Daily For 1 week
Min deposit: $50
Max deposit: $499
Refferal Bonus: 2%
Second Refferal Bonus: 0%
Upgrade Bonus: 0%


ROI: 1% Daily for 6 months
Min deposit: $500
Max deposit: $4,999
Refferal Bonus: 5%
Second Refferal Bonus: 5%
Upgrade Bonus: 7%


ROI: 4.5% Daily for 1 year
Min deposit: $5,000
Max deposit: $9,999
Refferal Bonus: 10%
Second Refferal Bonus: 10%
Upgrade Bonus: 10%


ROI: 10% Daily for 2 Years
Min deposit: $10,000
Max deposit: $1,000,000
Refferal Bonus: 20%
Second Refferal Bonus: 20%
Upgrade Bonus: 20%

Payment Methods

Accepted Payment Method